/*Shelby Farr*/





Under Construction

Currently having problems with FireFox rendering the webpage.

It's nothing to exiting but it's a start. Wanting to put my skill to better use, but need some ideas.

HTML is the easiest language to catch on to, and there are tons of site out there with grate pointer's. I have a list of free server's listed below. I'm using Free Servers and htmlplanet as my domain.

A Great Free Server Search Engine

Free Web Space

One trip to this website can save you hours, if not days, looking for a good free server. It's fairly up-to-date and has webmaster reviews and ratings to help you avoid crappy servers.

Good Free Servers

Below are links to the better free web servers I've found. They offer adequate space and speed for any type of site. I've also included the worst servers I've come across. You'll save yourself and your viewers a lot of headaches by avoiding these folks. Other details are in the descriptions.


Nice service. No pop up ads are ever placed on your site. 50 MB of space, unlimited bandwidth, and premade scripts to use for forms. Good all-around free server.


No pop ups. They put a banner on top of your pages. 20 MB of space with unlimited bandwidth. You can put your own "for pay" banners on your site. They don't mind.


100 MB of space for free. Your choice of a pop up or banner advertising. Limited bandwidth, but this isn't a problem until your site gets really busy.


A previous host of this site and very reliable. The speed is good and they have good FAQs to help you with FTP uploading and site building. They have for-pay options, too. The biggest weakness is that they don't give you a very detailed version of your site's logs that tell you who visited your site and what pages are more popular.


Another good free server. They specialize in hosting small business sites. They offer 25 MB of space and support for CGI scripting. They also have a lot of extras for the web business. Good support for technical problems.


Freeservers.com offers 20 MB of space. They are reliable, but not quite as fast overall as some other free web servers. I've had an account there and could never get their CGI script for emailing form data to work. Help is scant. They use pop up window advertising frequently.


250 free MBs as the name implies. As of this posting there are no bandwidth limits, and you can't beat the price - free!

Shelby Farr 2009 10183